(EN) The Flashback exhibition is part of ESAD.CR’s 25th Anniversary celebrations and presents works created within the various photography curricular units of the Plastic Arts course. We intend to make visible the diversity of approaches and practices allowed by the photographic medium and, at the same time, to emphasize the …

Photographic record – Pingtan, China 2014

(EN) Thierry Ferreira, Between sculpture and thought   Thierry Ferreira has just returned from Pingtan (Fujian Province, China), where he participated in the commemorations of the inauguration on 11 October of the International Sculpture Exhibition Park of the city, which includes a bronze replica of the sculpture of his own …


(EN) The Bangbang Gallery hosts the collective exhibition of Contemporary Art Home Work, which brings together proposals from a group of artists that approach the concept of construction – housing: André Silva, Carlos No, Diana Costa, Jorge Leal, Leo Ayres, Marcelo Amorim and Thierry Ferreira . In this exhibition, I …

‘Portas Abertas’

O Fórum Eugénio de Almeida, em Évora, foi inaugurado no dia 11 de Julho de 2013 com o projeto artístico Portas Abertas. A série “faz-te Ouvir”, da minha autoria, foi seleccionada para figurar neste projecto. Esta iniciativa reuniu obras de criadores de todo o mundo, tendo como ponto de partida …

‘Arte de Bolso 2013’

No próximo dia 18 de Janeiro, a Galeria Sete, em Coimbra, apresenta a mostra “Arte de Bolso 2013”, uma exposição colectiva de pequeno formato, que reúne mais de 50 artistas relevantes no plano nacional, e onde estarei representado com algumas obras, nomeadamente escultura e fotografia.